3 Steps to Create a Video Marketing Strategy for Your Roofing Company

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3 Steps to Create a Video Marketing Strategy for Your Roofing Company

No matter how advanced technology becomes or how many new mediums come to fruition, the power of video is one thing that hasn’t changed since its inception to the general public. From captivating audiences with compelling visuals and entrancing dialogue to the sheer optical magic of watching the cutest kitten in the world endure a sneezing attack, we as people continue to marvel at videos of all types of imagery, expression, and content.

But videos don’t only excel as forms of entertainment. In recent years, video marketing has evolved into one of the most popular and effective forms of digital marketing strategies, with a reported 60% of U.S. businesses incorporating video content into their digital marketing budgets.

And in an industry as competitive and abundant as the roofing industry, video marketing can be the signature marketing tool that can help your roofing company stand out from the rest of the pack.

Video marketing strategies can provide your roofing company with a competitive advantage in many ways:

  • Create original and compelling content that strengthens, expands, and personifies your brand
  • Provide specific demonstrations of your distinct roofing skills, equipment, and experience
  • Increase your engagement with new and existing customers
  • Boost your lead conversion rate and sales numbers
  • Establish trust and credibility with your target audience
  • Optimized videos will help your roofing company rank higher on organic search results
  • Provide branded content for your social media followers to share and engage with

Your roofing video content doesn’t have to go viral for it to be successful. With the right approach, resources, and strategy, your roofing company’s video marketing campaign will work toward captivating your audience with original and intriguing content, which in turn will generate more leads and convert more sales.

Take a look at these three steps to help you create a successful video marketing strategy for your roofing company.

1) Establish Your Video Marketing Goals

Like any strategy, you need to determine what exactly you want out of your video marketing plan before you embark upon production. For starters, you want to decide what kind of target audience you want your videos to market toward. The more you can define your target audience, the more successful your video marketing campaign will be.

Example questions to ponder:

Are you trying to cater more toward residential homeowners or commercial property owners?

Are you attempting to appeal to upper-class homeowners, or do you specialize in specific types of homes and roofs?

In addition to establishing your target audience, other goals you’ll want to define for your video marketing strategy can include:

  • How do you want your videos to increase brand awareness?
  • How will your video content engage viewers?
  • What platforms or channels do you want to cater your videos toward?
  • What are your lead generation and conversion rate goals?
  • How will these videos distinguish your brand from the competition?

Once you’ve answered all of these questions regarding your video marketing goals, you can move forward with the production planning side of things.

2) Plan Out Your Productions

Simultaneously, the most fun and challenging element to producing any type of video is the actual production process. Before you start writing any scripts or casting any faces, you’ll need to evaluate what your budgeting and scheduling needs are.

For budgeting, you’ll need to take everything from cameras, lighting, sound equipment, editing software, and other production requirements into consideration. As for scheduling, giving yourself six to eight weeks from the pre-production phase to the final editing sequences is the general rule of thumb when it comes to marketing video timelines.

After you’ve hashed out the finer details, it’s time to get down to creating your videos! When establishing what type of videos you want to create, there are six essential video marketing styles to consider:


The root of all video marketing productions, a general 30-60 second visual advertisement outlining your roofing company’s services with compelling visuals and narrative.


“How-to” and “explainer” videos are great for establishing and enhancing your brand identity. Creating a DIY roof repair series showcasing general roofing tips is a great way to build a following and increase engagement with website visitors.

Social Media Promos

These are shorter snippets of videos that emphasize visual and audio elements to promote your services or any unique offers you’re currently promoting.


Incorporating videos of happy, satisfied customers on your website, social media pages, and other digital marketing can help your roofing company establish more trust and credibility.


With the right graphic design work, animated videos are one of the most engaging and intriguing types of marketing video styles out there, especially when it comes to packing plentiful information regarding your roofing company in a short period of time.

Behind the Scenes

To better personalize your brand, you can produce engaging ‘documentary’ style videos that showcase you and your roofing team at work while allowing your customers to get to know the faces behind their roof repair project.

All of these types of videos require varying amounts of budgeting or scheduling considerations, so be sure to review how much money and time you’re willing to invest before committing to any specific style of video.

3) Share & Track Your Video Content

Once you’ve completed the “Lights, camera, action!” element of your video marketing strategy and post-production work is complete, it’s time to release and share your content with the world!

Before releasing your video on your roofing company’s social media channels or your website, you’ll want to ensure that the titles and captions of your videos are optimized with the appropriate target keywords to help garner attention from Google. You’ll also want to embed your video on your specific web pages with well-written and SEO-focused content, which will also establish credibility with search engine crawlers that can boost your organic and local search result page rankings.

It’s generally recommended to post any videos you create on all your social media channels, as well as an established web page on your roofing website. If you’ve invested in email marketing strategies, videos are great for directly sharing with your customer base and email subscribers.

Moving forward with your video marketing strategy, you’ll want to adhere to a tight schedule in terms of releasing videos.

You’ll also want to track the metrics of how well your videos are performing across every platform, measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) of each video, such as:

  • View count and view-through rate
  • Watch and session times
  • Likes, comments, and shares
  • Website traffic inherited through videos
  • Lead conversion rates after viewings

The more you can access accurate analytics that highlight which videos are performing better than others, the clearer a picture you’ll have moving forward on what video marketing strategies are succeeding with your target audiences.

Professional Video Marketing Solutions for Your Roofing Company

There’s only so much you can do on top of all your other managerial duties for your roofing company. Sometimes certain elements are better left to the professionals, and if you’re interested in learning more about how professional video marketing strategies can increase your leads and generate more sales, Triton Commerce has the answers for you.

Contact us today to find out more about our professional video and photography services or any of our other completely customizable digital marketing strategies!

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