4 SEO Tips Window & Siding Companies to Outrank Competition


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4 SEO Tips for Window & Siding Companies to Outrank Your Competitors

When was the last time you Googled something? You probably got to this page by way of Google!

The internet and this all-knowing search engine have gelled together to make one of the most reliable destinations on the planet. This reliability has turned into somewhat a dependency as the average person spends close to two and a half hours a day online.

If you think about it, a person with a desk job may find themselves behind a screen for up to 10 hours a day. That’s the majority of waking time spent on the internet!

With the internet becoming so prevalent over the past two decades, the way we sell things has evolved right along with it. Digital marketing is the strategy used for businesses to find their way to a relevant search presence. Nowadays, for your business to survive, it’s a necessity.

Google receives over 13 BILLION inquiries a day, and while 46% of searches are local, there are still billions of searches per day for information on local businesses.

So, if your window & siding company isn’t developing or sticking to a strategy, you could be missing out on a bountiful amount of leads!

If you have a website for your business but fail to make the first page of a relevant search, your company will have a hard time staying above water since 75% of all Google searches never venture past the first page. While 55% of all searches never even click past the third search result, the competition is very steep.

The common practice in the world of digital marketing is called search Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

SEO’s most suitable metaphor is growing a garden. It won’t bear ripe fruit overnight – you must grow and maintain it. It takes time to establish a relationship between the content on your website and Google’s algorithm. Once your strategy is established, you’ll begin to see the benefits soon enough!

Let’s dig into the four main SEO tips, so your window & siding company can start outranking your competition!

Start With Keywords

Keywords are the foundation of your website and your business. Have you ever noticed on TV or radio ads you’ll hear the same few words on separate advertisements for the same company?

Those are the keywords.

Most people tune out when advertisements come on. So, in 30 seconds, the average person may only pick up a few bits and pieces.

People skim on written advertisements too. So having keywords is, well, the key to your marketing success. Without keywords, advertising would be all for naught.

There are three types of keywords you can use:

  1. General keywords are meat and potatoes. These keywords are the umbrella of what your business is and how you run it. Let’s say other roofing and siding companies in your area charge an estimated fee while you offer that for free. A great keyword phrase to put into use is “free estimates for window & siding services.”
  2. Specific keywords are more of a pinpoint for different services for your business. For example, you are GAF MasterElite certified. Having those keywords in strategic areas of your content will help boost your search ranking if someone is looking for a window & siding contractor who has those qualifications.
  3. Structured keywords are a mix of both. Pairing general keywords give a large overall search presence since you have your umbrella keywords mixed with the more intimate details of your business.

Linking Building

Linking building coincides with keywords quite well. Link building is essential for SEO success. That statement can be reinforced by the fact that 99% of all high-ranking search results have at least one external link.

Links are great for backing up facts and for further advertising your business. The two types of links are internal and external.

  1. Internal links are the ones that will keep readers on your websites for longer. Keywords and internal links are a match made in Heaven as you can link out to any keyword that appears on your content.

    Additionally, keywords that are linked out are highlighted within the text, making them pop on the screen. This will surely keep the readers on your website, which increases the chances of a sale!
  2. External links are meant for content that may need to be back up, like in a blog. You may have superior knowledge on a window & siding topic, but readers like to follow up and fact check. You basically site your source on the information presented, which assures the reader what you’re saying is the truth.

    The best external links to use are from:

    1. Case Studies
    2. Infographics
    3. Other blogs

    But never link out to a competitor as it will drive business right to them!

Become a Mobile Friendly Website

60% of all Google searches are from a mobile device. This number will increase to over 70% by the year 2025. Mobile devices are as dominant as the internet itself. With these devices continuing to increase in popularity, having your business’ website become mobile friendly is imperative.

Not becoming mobile friendly will frustrate readers, as your website may load slow, and the presentation is clunky. A frustrated reader will go to your competitor for the answers – and probably for their business. So let’s spruce up that website for phones!

Start by compressing the images on your website. Compressed photos mean mobile devices take fewer data to load, thus increasing the speed of load time.

Next, levy your cache and start using accelerated mobile pages as your website’s HTML.

It’s All About Location

You’ve heard the cliche phrase “Location, location, location.” Well, these repeated words carry a lot of weight.

Letting the Google algorithm know where your company calls home and all the areas you service will play into your favor for relevant results. This type of SEO is called local search engine optimization.

The first step is to verify your GMB account or “Google My Business.” Most businesses already have a free account set up for them, so that’s why the first step may be to just verify.

Once verified, add pictures of your service, service areas, hours of operation, links to your website, and other content that will make your GMB account full of content you need.

Grow Your SEO With Triton

Growing SEO is a necessary step to find success with your business, but it’s a long road. Your current clients keep you busy the way it is, so it may seem impossible to handle this on your own.

That’s where Triton comes in!

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