Blog and Digital Marketing Tips - Triton Commerce - Page 24


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3 Ways To Increase Your Website Conversions

Getting a lot of traffic to your site is good, but getting that traffic to convert is even better. Once a potential customer arrives on your site, you want them to take action. If you want to turn more visitors into customers, strong calls-to-action are a crucial part of your website’s design. When used correctly, calls-to-action can help you convert more visits into sales.

Top 4 Tips for Improving Your SEO

If you’ve looked into ways to promote your business online, it’s likely you’ve come across the term “SEO” quite a bit. But what exactly does Search Engine Optimization (SEO) mean, and even more importantly, what does SEO mean for your business?

Building Personas: How Well Do You Know Your Target Customer?

When you’re trying to promote your business and reach new customers, digital marketing offers a wide range of possibilities. Through channels such as social media, search advertising, and blogging, businesses have access to a broader range of prospective customers. The potential to reach a huge audience online can lead to the temptation to try and reach as many people as possible, but when it comes to choosing your audience, bigger isn’t always better.

6 Things You Need for Your Small Business Startup

Starting your own business is a difficult but rewarding process. A startup can be very fragile, and you may face any number of challenges and obstacles as you build your business. While many of these issues may be completely out of your control, you will always have the ability to control how you react to them. Having started my own small business at age 22, I learned a lot about the dos and don’ts of launching a business.

Stop Focusing On Your Page Rank, Start Focusing On Conversions

Whether you’ve just launched a brand new website, or have maintained an online presence for years, it’s important to continuously track the results your efforts are generating for your business. However, with so many metrics to track, and a variety of robust measurement tools available, it’s easy to get lost in the numbers and lose sight of the results that truly matter.

When Your Reputation Precedes You In Business

Your business’s reputation speaks volumes to potential customers. That’s great news if your business has a strong reputation, but can be a major problem if your reputation is less-than-stellar. Luckily, negative reviews don’t have to prevent your business from reaching its fullest potential. With the right reputation management strategy under your feet, you can put the bad reviews in the past and move your business forward.

Email Marketing: How to Avoid the Click and Ditch

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses electronic mail as a means of communicating directly with a predetermined target audience. Today, email marketing is more powerful than it’s ever been which may seem surprising when you factor in the explosion of new technologies of communication at the fingertips of both consumers and businesses. Still, despite the ever-growing number of options for marketing tools available to businesses, marketers keep coming back to email.

How Video Is Changing The Way We View Marketing

The world of digital marketing is always changing. Many of your current customers and potential customers are interacting with online content in new ways and on new devices from a variety of locations. With these changes, businesses have several different opportunities to connect with current and potential customers.

ROI, PPC, SEM, and SEO: Vital Marketing Acronyms You Need to Know

Digital marketing offers business owners a wide variety of opportunities to connect with current and potential customers. Businesses of virtually any size, and within any industry, can use digital marketing as a powerful and cost-effective method to achieve real, trackable results. Through digital advertising campaigns you can increase brand awareness, target and acquire new customers, and stay connected with your current customers as well.
