7 Ways General Contractors Can Improve Local Search


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7 Ways General Contractors Can Improve Local Search

7 Ways General Contractors Can Improve Local Search

In a world where the internet reigns supreme, the importance of local search engine optimization (SEO) for general contractors cannot be overstated. When someone in your area is desperately searching for a trustworthy contractor to remodel their home or build their dream project, you want to be the name that pops up first on their Google search. That's where the magic of local SEO comes into play! 

Consider that 46% of all Google searches are seeking local information, and a whopping 97% of people learn more about a local company online than anywhere else. If you're not optimizing your online presence for local search, you're missing out on a treasure trove of potential clients! 

So, how can general contractors improve their local search strategy and ensure they're the go-to choice for local clients? Your friendly SEO experts at Triton Commerce are here with seven actionable tips to get you started:

  1. Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing.
  2. Perform keyword research and optimization. 
  3. Create locally focused content.
  4. Optimize your website for mobile users.
  5. Find collaborators for local link building.
  6. Manage your online reviews and reputation. 
  7. Track and analyze your performance.

Let’s dive into the finer details!

1. Claim & Optimize Your Google My Business Listing 

Your Google My Business (GMB) listing is like a virtual storefront for your contracting business; It's often the first thing potential clients see when they search for local contractors. Claim your GMB listing and ensure all information is accurate, complete, and up to date. Add high-quality photos of your past projects, showcase your services, and encourage clients to leave reviews. 

Regularly update your GMB profile with posts and promotions to stay relevant and improve your chances of ranking higher in local search results. 

2. Perform Keyword Research & Optimization 

Keywords are the lifeblood of local SEO. Be sure to conduct thorough keyword research to discover the terms and phrases potential clients are using when searching for general contractors in your area. Once you've identified these keywords, strategically incorporate them into your website's content, including titles, headings, meta descriptions, and body text. 

  • Important note: Avoid keyword stuffing! Focus on providing valuable, informative content that naturally includes your target keywords. 

3. Create Locally Focused Content 

Creating relevant, location-specific content can significantly boost your local SEO efforts. This not only establishes you as an expert but also helps you rank for local-specific search queries. Develop blog posts, articles, or videos that address common questions, concerns, or challenges related to your contracting services in your local area. 

  • Example: If you specialize in kitchen remodeling, create content about the latest kitchen design trends in your city or tips for surviving a remodel in your region's unique climate. 

4. Optimize Your Website for Mobile Users 

With the majority of internet searches happening on mobile devices, it's crucial to ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Google prioritizes mobile-responsive sites in its search results, and a user-friendly mobile experience improves the likelihood of potential clients staying on your site and contacting you. Test your website's mobile responsiveness regularly and fix any issues promptly to provide a seamless experience for visitors on all devices!

5. Find Collaborators for Local Link Building 

Building a strong backlink profile is essential for SEO success. Collaborate with other local businesses and offer to feature each other on your websites or social media pages. These local backlinks signal to search engines that your business is credible and relevant to your community. 

  • Tip: Focus on obtaining high-quality backlinks from reputable local sources, such as local business directories, chambers of commerce, or industry associations. 

6. Manage Your Online Reviews & Reputation 

Online reviews can make or break your reputation as a general contractor. Managing your online reputation not only influences potential clients but also impacts your local search rankings. Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and Facebook. Respond promptly and professionally to both positive and negative reviews to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction. 

7. Track & Analyze Your Performance 

Implementing local SEO strategies is just the beginning; You should also be regularly monitoring and analyzing your website's performance using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Track your keyword rankings, website traffic, and conversion rates. Use this data to identify what's working and where you can make improvements, and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly to stay ahead in local search results. 

Enhance Your Local SEO Strategy With Triton Commerce! 

Incorporating these seven tips into your local SEO strategy can significantly enhance your online presence, attract more local clients, and position your general contracting business as the top choice in your area. Ready to see what professional SEO services can do for your business? At Triton Commerce, our SEO team has extensive experience helping general contractors jump up to the first page of local search results, giving them the exposure and presence they need to dominate their local market. 

Contact Triton Commerce today to get started on upgrading your digital marketing strategy