8 Benefits of Using Video on Social Media


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8 Benefits of Using Video on Social Media

8 Benefits of Using Video on Social Media

Social media is constantly changing, and video leads the charge. In the past several years, video has remained the best-performing content on social media compared to images, polls, giveaways, links, and coupons. Still, many small businesses don’t see the value of incorporating video in their social media marketing strategies. If that sounds like your team, there’s a good chance you’re missing out on some significant benefits at best and falling behind your competitors at worst.

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Take a look at the following statistics that emphasize the importance of implementing video content into your social media strategy:

  • Over 54% of marketers report that video is the most valuable content for accomplishing social media marketing objectives.
  • 93% of businesses have generated new customers with social media video content
  • Around 50% of social media users prefer video over other types of content.
  • 66% of consumers find short-form videos to be the most engaging type of social media content in 2022 (up from 50% in 2020)
  • 58% of viewers will watch the entirety of a social media video if it’s less than 60 seconds
  • 62% of Facebook users report increased interest in a product after viewing a related social media video.
  • 73% of businesses report generating new customers by producing video content on Instagram

With the stats above, you already know adding video can help boost engagement on your social media channels by encouraging likes and shares.How else can your business benefit from producing and sharing video content across social media platforms? Let’s take a look at eight of the most significant advantages!

1. Video Influences Customers to Buy

There are BILLIONS of photos and videos shared on social media every day. With all that going on, it’s pretty challenging to get a customer’s attention or explain your product or services in an informative yet exciting way that makes your target audience want to buy.Many studies show that the majority of social media users prefer short captions; Most people are not willing to read a paragraph (or more) outlining the benefits of your products or services, and an image can only show so much.

So, if you’re only sharing images and text on social media, a potential customer will have to follow you for a while to get a sense of who you are and what you’re selling.A video, on the other hand, can do so much more in less than a minute. A well-executed video can capture your customers’ attention, educate them about your company and products or services, and inspire them to take action –all in only one social media post.This has proven to be very effective when it comes to leads and conversions. Hubspot says 64% of users are likelier to buy a product online after watching a video.

2. Video Content Helps Spread Brand Awareness

Video content helps your target audience get to know your brand better by highlighting new products or services and allowing viewers to build personal connections with your brand.This can be achieved in many ways, from behind-the-scenes content that lets viewers be a fly on the wall at your office or jobsite to Our Story videos that share the origins of how your company came to be. Video content spreads brand awareness in ways written content or static imagery cannot.

When your target audience comes across your social media videos on their feeds, they don’t want to see another generic visual advertisement; They want content that tells them exactly who you are as a company and demonstrates core values they can resonate with.By exploring different styles or mediums of video content, you can highlight specific characteristics, qualities, and goals that make your brand unique and stand out amidst your competition.

3. Video Builds Strong Credibility With Your Audience

Along with influencing your customers to buy what you’re selling, video can help you build strong connections with your audience by appealing to them emotionally. Providing valuable and entertaining information that “strikes a chord” with your audience will make your company or brand appear more trustworthy and credible.

When a potential customer becomes one of your followers, they are likely to buy your products, and many will also become your advocates. Establishing your business as an authoritative resource gets people invested in your mission or message, and video content is a powerful tool to create a dedicated, engaged audience.

4. Video Is Cost-Effective

This one comes with a disclaimer: Producing videos is an art. If you want it done well, a professional with years of experience is your best bet. They will be educated on the different techniques for creating an engaging video.That said, you don’t have to have a substantial digital marketing budget to invest in video, and the return on investment can be significant. This is especially true when just one day of filming can create several short videos.

As long as you know your audience and go in with a strategic, well-planned outline, one day’s worth of filming can typically be used over and over.Video content is helpful for social media channels, your website, landing pages, marketing emails, and paid ads.

5. Video Can Educate Your Audience

Ask any young person today how they’ve learned to change a flat tire or put on a tie, and they’ll tell you they’ve learned most of life’s unappreciated tricks by watching videos online.That’s because videos are ideal for teaching viewers a new trick or two, which can especially come in handy if your business is trying to educate its customers on the best ways to utilize your products or services!

Social media videos give businesses more opportunities to showcase product demonstrations, DIY guides, and explainer videos to their followers. By transforming complex information into digestible, engaging content, your viewers will be enlightened and hungry for more!

6. Videos Will Improve Engagement With Followers

Improving engagement is one of the most important goals of any social media strategy, as it builds more trust and credibility with your customers and better connects them to your brand. Engagement is the heartbeat of any successful social media campaign, and videos are the rhythm that gets hearts pumping. Viewers are more likely to like, share, comment, and tag friends when they encounter compelling video content.

The types of engagement social media videos can produce goes well beyond likes and shares. With video, you're not just conveying information; You're evoking emotions. Whether it's laughter, joy, or even a few happy tears, videos connect with your audience on a deeply emotional level.These emotional connections build trust, loyalty, and an army of devoted fans.

7. Video Unlocks More Options for Content

There are endless opportunities regarding what types of video content you want to share across your social media channels! Behind-the-scenes footage, “meet the team” interviews, product demonstrations, instructional tutorials, and promotional material –the best part of social media videos are all the ways you can create engaging content that can only be achieved through video.

Live videos are an often overlooked example of video content exclusive to social media. Live video is the hottest ticket to engage with your audience in real time. It adds a dash of spontaneity, authenticity, and excitement that resonates with viewers like never before.From Q&A sessions to behind-the-scenes glimpses, live videos create an electric buzz around your brand.

8. Video Compels Your Viewer to Take Action

We’ve all heard that “seeing is believing.” This is why social media videos are essential: They make your audience “believe” in your brand!Not only can video help your target audience visually digest what makes your business better than the rest of the pack, but it can also clearly demonstrate to them the best ways to take advantage of all the services or products you have to offer.

Concluding your social media videos with clear and concise calls to action will compel them to take the next step with your brand. This can be achieved by visual or verbal instructions to contact your company, enlist your services, or purchase your products online.You can also accompany your social media videos with written CTAs and links in your video description, giving them multiple opportunities to engage with your brand.

Custom Social Media Marketing Solutions From Triton Commerce!

Social media marketing can have a very real and measurable impact on your business, especially when your strategy incorporates video. Interested in learning more about how to use video in your digital marketing strategy?

Contact Triton Commerce! Our team will work closely with you to develop a custom digital marketing strategy that is aligned with your overall goals for your business.

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