How to Write Engaging Blogs for Your Business


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How to Write Engaging Blogs for Your Business

How to Write Engaging Blogs for Your Business

Blogs have certainly come a long way since their inception a few decades ago. From virtual diaries of oppressed teenagers venting their angst for the world to see to tracking all the latest Paris Hilton-related gossip, blogs have seemingly evolved from mere tabloid-like canards to the branded content opportunities they present today.

Blogs have also become an essential component of any effective digital marketing strategy. When it comes to promoting your business while establishing an authoritative reputation within your industry, blogs can do wonders for expanding your company’s online presence.

Offering your target audience engaging, shareable content that can be continuously passed on to fellow followers is a long-term strategy that pays off significantly over time.

To put it simply, the more consistent and creative you are with producing blogs, the more eyes will inevitably land upon your business website. In fact, studies show that over 409 million people view more than 20 billion blog-related pages every month!

But what makes for compelling blog content that not only intrigues the reader but urges them to actively engage with your brand?

Check out these tips on how to write engaging blogs for your business and help your website reach more eyes and minds than you would have otherwise!

Tip 1. Recognize Your Audience

Let’s start with the obvious: You need to figure out what blog topics are relevant, informative, and motivational to your target audience.

Your blog topics should not only pertain to the industry your company serves, but should always relate back to the products or services your business provides.

Here are a few industry-specific blog topic examples:

  • Roofing: “When is it Time to Replace Your Roof?” - Informs the reader on roofing maintenance and performance tips, while ultimately reminding them that your company can replace their roof.
  • Financial Management: “When Should You Start Saving Up for Retirement?” - Educates the reader on insightful financial management tips, while ultimately relating back to your company’s financial advising services.
  • Legal: “Know Your Rights When Pulled Over by Police” - Advises readers on essential legal knowledge while ultimately prompting the reader to contact your firm in the event of any legal dispute they may be experiencing.
  • Health & Wellness: “10 Ways You Can Sleep Better” - Provides the reader with general health and wellness tips while ultimately reminding the reader of how your health and wellness products or services can enhance their lives.

Essentially, figuring out a suitable blog topic boils down to pinpointing a subject specific to your company’s industry, then concluding that blog with a call-to-action that compels the reader to utilize your services or products.

Tip 2. Find Your Voice

The beauty of blog writing is that you don’t have to be Charles Dickens to write a meaningful, engaging piece of online literature. Whenever you’re approaching how to write a blog article, start off by identifying what kind of tone you would normally use when directly talking with a customer or client.

Do you usually make an attempt at being overly warm and friendly? Do you like to establish yourself as an authoritative expert in your field? Are you goofy, empathic, excited, serious, sarcastic? The styles, moods, and attitudes you generally utilize to talk and communicate with your customers should be the tone that’s injected into the writing of your blogs.

You should also be aware of how your ideal customer would speak and communicate with you. Are they usually knowledgeable about your industry, or do they tend to be completely in the dark? Is your clientele wealthy, affluent, and highly educated, or are they more blue-collar, down-to-earth, or family-oriented?

Being true to yourself while keeping your target audience’s habits and morals in mind is the perfect balance to transcribing your voice via blog articles.

Tip 3. Tantalizing Titles

You could be the Shakespeare of blog authors, but nobody’s going to click on your article if that headline doesn’t grab their attention.

In addition to being as SEO-friendly as possible, the title of your blog article needs to scream “CLICK ME” as soon as any eyes come across it.

A few tips when considering what to title your blog:

  • Pose a Question: Our natural instinct when coming across any questions in life is to find the answer. The same logic can be applied to blog titles, as question-based headlines will do more to trigger a reader’s curiosity.
  • Make a Promise: Posing your blog’s title as an incentive for the reader is a great way to capture their attention. Examples of compelling topics can include promises such as “Essential Lawn Maintenance Tips to Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal” or “Enhance Your Financial Portfolio With These Simple Steps.”
  • Incorporate Figures: There’s a reason you see so many blog titles that begin with a number. The specificity of a title like “9 Natural Ways to Improve Your Testosterone Levels” evokes curiosity while letting the reader know exactly what they’re getting into.

Tip 4. Craft Your Narrative

As far back as you can remember, the formula for essentially any form of storytelling is incorporating a beginning, middle, and end.

The same goes for quality blog writing, and a winning formula for engaging blog content can go as follows:

  • Act 1: Introduction - The first paragraph of your blog article should entice the reader right away. From posing questions to implementing relatable humor to incorporating striking statistics, the first three-to-four sentences of your blog article need to completely capture the reader’s attention and interests, or else there’s no way they’re going to read the rest of your story.
  • Act 2: Body - Once your intro has hooked them in, now’s not the time to skimp on providing resourceable, intriguing, or practically life-changing content. Really put your all into researching and applying our own industry-related knowledge into compiling a step-by-step wordbank of useful, relevant information, without sacrificing your voice or tone.
  • Act 3: Call-to-Action - Now that you’ve enlightened the reader to whatever informative content you’ve crafted, it’s time to relay it all back to your company’s services or products. You need to conclude your blog article with a call-to-action as naturally as possible, as forcing a transition from ‘intriguing information’ to ‘buy my product’ will only come across as artificial and turn off most readers.

Tip 5. Don't Force It -- Hire Blogging Experts

Look, the bottom line when it comes to writing engaging blog articles for your business is producing quality, shareable content that comes across as original, insightful, and influential.

If your writing skills aren’t as on par as your sales or managerial capabilities, then taking time out of your busy schedule to consistently write, manage, and share blog articles will most likely result in a waste of everybody’s time.

There’s no shame in enlisting professional assistance to reap the blogging benefits of increasing web traffic and lead generation figures! If your company’s content marketing could use an upgrade, Triton Commerce has the team, tools, and analytics necessary to consistently produce quality blog articles that will help your business better engage with its target audience.

Contact us today to learn more about how professional digital marketing strategies are the backbone of any company’s success!