5 Ways User Experience Improves Your Conversion Rate


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5 Ways User Experience Improves Your Conversion Rate

5 Ways User Experience Improves Your Conversion Rate

Your website’s user experience can have a major impact on your conversion rates. When you create a quality experience for your website visitors, your efforts are often rewarded with a higher conversion rate. While there are many different factors and features that will shape the user experience, here are a few general guidelines to keep in mind:

1 | Use Modern, Clean, and Uncluttered Design

When you’re trying to get users to take action on your website, it may be tempting to include as much content as possible on your site. However, an excess of photos, videos, navigation menu items, and other elements can make your site seem overwhelming to users and can be difficult to navigate.

Rather than overload your site with a large volume of content and website design elements, keep the design of your content clean, modern, and easy to navigate.

2 | Strategically Place Calls-To-Action

Your content makes the case as to why visitors should choose your business, and calls-to-action guide them to the next step toward becoming a customer. To get the best possible result, make sure the call-to-action on each page is easy to find and consistent with the content on that page. For example, if your page content is focused on the benefits of your roof inspection service, your call-to-action should drive users to contact your business to schedule an inspection for their home.

Make sure it is easy for visitors to take action by including key elements such as your phone number or a contact form, and help those elements stand out with an eye-catching design.Try using larger text and contrasting colors to create calls-to-action that capture your audience’s attention.

3 | Avoid Using Auto-Play For Video Content

Video content is great for engaging with your visitors and showing your company’s personality, however, it’s important to let your visitors engage with your video content on their own terms rather than forcing them to view it through autoplay. Visitors may be browsing your content in a public setting where autoplay content may be disruptive or embarrassing, potentially causing them to quickly exit your site and avoid returning.

4 | Speed Up Your Website

You want your users to spend their time browsing your website, not waiting for it to load. If your website takes a long time to load, users may become frustrated and leave without engaging with any of your content.

Tools such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights make it easy to quickly assess whether there are any speed issues with your website and what you can do to improve performance. While some improvements may require a fair amount of technical knowledge, upgrades such as image optimization are fairly simple.

5 | Be Strategic With Your Website Layout

The layout of your website serves as the foundation for every other element of your digital marketing strategy, so it’s important to be purposeful as you map things out. One of the easiest ways to create a strategic layout for your website is to build out pages based on your core services and organize them by theme.

For example, if you offer sales and installation for home siding, you might have “Siding Installation” as a main menu item on your website, with the different types of siding you install listed below that.

Main Menu


Siding Installation

Aluminum Siding

Fiber Cement Siding

Seamless Steel Siding

Cedar Shake Siding

Using this website layout will make it much easier for visitors to find the content they are looking for, and ultimately increase the odds that they will become a customer.

Need help creating a website that drives results for your business? Contact our team today for a free Digital Marketing Plan. We’ll give you insight on what you can do to build a stronger online presence.