4 Tips for Using YouTube for Your Small Business


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4 Tips for Using YouTube for Your Small Business

4 Tips for Using YouTube for Your Small Business

Video marketing can be a powerful tool for promoting your small business online. Sharing video content on YouTube allows you to showcase your brand and build relationships with potential customers.

You don’t need a massive budget to create and manage a YouTube channel for your business, but you will need to have a plan if you want to get real results. Here are four tips for creating a more effective presence for your company on YouTube:

Tip 1 | Think About What Your Audience Wants

Before you start planning out your video content, take some time to think about who exactly you are hoping to reach on YouTube. Knowing your audience will allow you to tailor your content to appeal to their interests and concerns.

If your customers typically research a few different companies before making a purchase decision, you should create videos that highlight the things that make your business unique. Let your employees showcase their expertise through explainer videos, or use customer testimonials to build trust with new prospects.

Tip 2 | Share New Content Consistently

In order to make the most of your YouTube presence, you need to make sure you are creating and sharing new content on a regular basis. Sharing new content with your followers will keep them coming back to your channel for more, so make sure you are able to sustain your channel with fresh content.

One of the easiest ways to keep your YouTube channel up to date with new content is to create a calendar or outline of the content you want to share. Doing so will make it easier for you to think ahead, produce video more efficiently, and stick to a consistent schedule.

If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas for new content, try taking a few ideas and breaking them out into a series of videos. For example, create a series of videos that explain each of your products or services, or do a weekly video where you answer customer-submitted questions. Staff interviews, customer testimonials, and other content can also be shared on an ongoing basis to keep your content fresh.

Tip 3 | Use Calls-To-Action In Your Video Content

Your content should be appealing to your target audience, but it should also help to generate results for your business. As you create each piece of video content, think about how you want your viewers to respond. Do you want them to check out your blog to learn more, share your video content on social media, or simply subscribe to your channel?

Once you’ve identified what action you want your viewers to take, simply make sure you are asking them to do so within your video content, and then make it as easy as possible for them to take action. Be sure to include links to your website, blog, or your online contact form in your video description if you’re hoping to drive traffic to your site.

Tip 4 | Share Your Video Content On Social Media

Simply creating a YouTube channel and sharing video content isn’t always enough to help you build an audience. Often, you need to be proactive about finding viewers rather than hoping they will come to you. One of the best ways to spread the word about your video content is by promoting it through social media and blog content.

Whenever you publish new video content on your YouTube channel, be sure to cross-promote it on your social media accounts and include it in any blogs you write that relate to your video content. Sharing your video content on social media will help you connect with more potential viewers and drive more results for your business.

You don’t need a massive budget and specialized equipment to produce video content that appeals to your customers. Check out our blog about creating quality photo and video content for some tips on how to capture content that stands out.

If you need help building a brand presence on YouTube, contact our team today for a free Digital Marketing Plan. We’ll take a look at your current digital presence and provide you with a custom blueprint that outlines what you can do to promote your brand online.