4 Must Haves for Your Social Media Content Calendar


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4 Must Haves for Your Social Media Content Calendar

Have you ever sat down to create your company’s social media post for the day, and before you know it, your coffee has gone cold, and you’ve been scrolling through posts for inspiration for the past 45 minutes? Trying to figure out what to post in the moment on a regular basis can be exhausting work. Social media content calendars are a great way to keep your overarching message focused and achieve your social media goals while saving time in the long run.

4 Things Every Social Media Content Calendar Needs

Now, you might be wondering, “If it takes me 45 minutes to think of one post, how will thinking of a whole month’s worth of content save me time?”

Excellent question!

Cultivating a content calendar for an entire month will help you take a step back, consider your social media presence in broad strokes, and offer a better sense of direction beyond: “I need to make a post today.” Plus, you can plan for time-sensitive posts like upcoming promotions, holidays, or anniversaries.

Here are four things that will help you develop a winning content calendar:

1. Create a Solid Strategy

Determine your Social Media Marketing goals, KPIs, and develop a strategy. Long gone are the days when you can increase brand awareness or generate leads by making the occasional Facebook post. Now, you’ll want to have a more pointed messaging strategy. What are you trying to communicate with your audience? What are your KPIs? What do you want people to take away from your posts? Once you have those questions answered, you’ll have a much better idea of how to shape your content calendar. That way, you can keep track of what works and continue to refine your social media strategy.

2. Have a Different Calendar for Every Platform

If you have two or more social media accounts for your business, each must have its own content calendar. Each platform has its unique voice and community interactions. Therefore, it only makes sense that your posts align with the platform for which you’re creating content.

3. #UseHashtags

If you haven’t been using hashtags in your posts, you’re missing out on an opportunity for people to find your content. Check out our blog on how to effectively use hashtags. This will involve doing research and being intentional about which hashtags you associate with your brand.

4. Integrate Videos

People are consuming and creating video content now more than ever. They don’t even have to be long videos. As always, do research to see what kind of video content others in your niche have been posting. Videos offer a creative way for people to engage with your business and give you the ability to convey multiple ideas within something as short as a 15-second video. This might be something with which to experiment first before integrating it as a usual occurrence on your social media content calendar. Or, you could consider outsourcing some regular video content from a professional videographer.

Build Your Social Media Strategy with Triton Commerce

Creating an effective social media content calendar is one of many steps in a successful digital marketing strategy. However, we understand that not every business has the tools or time to create a content calendar—much less an all-encompassing approach—in-house. Luckily for you, our team of professionals at Triton Commerce stays up-to-date on current trends and has the skill to build a winning digital marketing plan. Contact us today to see how we can help you achieve your company’s goals.

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